quay glasses

Benefits of Blue Light Glasses


Start protecting your eyes today with our blue light blocking glasses by Quay!

Have you seen the new trend that is blue light glasses?! 

We all went through that childhood phase of wishing we could wear glasses but didn’t have a prescription. Blue light glasses allow us to fulfill this childhood phase as adults with the clear lens look without needing a prescription.

But did you know blue light glasses are more than just a cute new look? 

Blue light glasses protect your eyes from the blue light that’s emitted from all the technology we look at throughout our days. 

Blue light glasses are even more beneficial for those of us who work with technology all day. Sitting all day staring into a computer screen can leave you unfocused with a pounding headache. Believe it or not it’s not solely because you’re stressed at work but also because of the affects of blue light. 

Blue light is on the lower end of the light spectrum; what does this mean? Light that is lower on the spectrum has the shortest wave length meaning they emit more energy. This aggressive wave length scatters in the eye, reducing contrast and making it difficult to focus. After looking into blue light for a period of time this causes eyes to feel tired. It also can cause our eyes to start aching, have blurred vision and headaches.

So that’s the science behind blue light and the reason why blue light blocking glasses are more than just a stylish choice. They bring health and style all at the same time!

Come pick up your blue light blocking glasses now!

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